What was it like when you first believed?

What was it like when you first believed? I urge you to go back to the start; to remember. Remember who He is. Remember what He has promised. Remember what He has done. He is a loving, caring, gracious provider who knows exactly what you need at every second of every day, and knows you totally and completely, inside and out. He holds your future. You feel unloved, alone, unseen, uncertain, unheard… think again. The Father sees you right where you are, loves you, and is waiting for you to run back home to Him. What burdens have you picked up along the way? It is time to lay it all down and lean back into the arms of the Father. It is time to surrender everything at his feet and cast your cares onto Him. He actually WANTS to carry the weight; you were never created to carry it alone. So return. Let Him embrace you. Allow Him to move and allow him to dwell in the broken spaces, the empty places. Oh how He loves you, child.


What would you do for the Kingdom?
