“I wish that I could find just the right words to talk about today, but all I can say is wow. My heart feels so full yet aches for these children and their families. The conditions they live in, the lack of role models/ positive influences in their lives, the dump of living conditions… yet they have joy. Yet they welcome strangers into their homes with open arms and a cold drink. I don’t understand… I can’t. They care for their neighbors so well and love on one another daily. My mind goes immediately to help mode and “How do I lead these people to into a better life?” Yes, better shoes, clothes and a ball to play with are and would be amazing things, but a life with Jesus as the driving force… it can’t get richer and more fulfilling that that. I pray that by spending more time in the neighborhood, the presence of God would become known… that there is no denying it. That a seed would be planted and watered in this community. That the Lord’s children would become hungry and thirst for a taste of His water.”

“Cut off every branch in me that does not produce fruit. Cut off every thorn, every lifeless branch, and begin the crushing. Create a fresh wind in me and allow me to walk in the full armor of Christ each and every day. Allow me to love as You love. Open my eyes to see your goodness all around me and enable me to experience your faithfulness.”

“I cannot believe that this was just day one of this “internship.” Honestly, internship is too professional of a title… this is a life for Christ and the nitty gritty of being His hands and feet. Going out into the nations to tell of what he has done for us, but how cool is it that I don’t have to travel to another country in order to do that?! I get to go ten minutes down the road to a little tucked away apartment complex. THANK YOU JESUS for Project 658 and everything you have in store for this summer. I will wait expectantly.” 

These are words and bold prayers that I wrote in my journal on my first day being a part of Project 658. Little did I know that saying yes in an act of obedience and walking confidently through that open door would take me down a path in my spiritual journey that I had never walked down before. As I went throughout the month of June, my perspective and the lens of which I viewed the world began to shift. Things would happen, plans would change, and chaos would occur, but instead of becoming frustrated or annoyed, I began to look through the lens of grace, love, and of peace. My plans were no longer my own, and I had completely surrendered them to the Lord. He is enough for me, and because He goes before me, who and what can be against me? This is my new view on the world. Not in an arrogant, egotistical sort, but in a bold confidence that can only be found through Jesus. 

Ever since I was a little girl, I have had a soft spot in my heart for the Lord’s people. I have always felt called to pursue missions, but never in my mind did I imagine that mission would be in my own community. Project 658 changed my definition of mission. Mission is all around us, it is staring at you point-blank, the issue is whether or not your eyes are open to see it. It is at times uncomfortable, but were we ever called to comfortability? No. We are called to be the salt and light of the world; the hands and feet of Christ. 

One memory that has come to mind repeatedly throughout the past couple months is this: When I was about five or six years old, I had an idea to do a “Love People Sale.” I pulled a jump rope, some tape, and a sign onto the front porch and dragged from my house objects that we no longer had a use for and began to sell. I never actually sold anything at my Love People Sale, but the heart and intentionality was there. The goal was to put the money towards providing people in need with clothing items. During my first week of Project 658, I realized that there is still very much a need for clothing. It broke my heart that many of the kids I saw on a regular basis were wearing the same stained, dirty, torn up clothes for up to a week. After recognizing this need, a close friend and I began to pray about it. We asked ourselves, “What can we do? What role can we actively play in meeting this need?” From this conversation and with much prayer, we came up with the idea of starting a clothing drive called Agape. “And above all else clothe yourselves in love” Colossians 3:14. Agape love is an unconditional, sacrificial, brotherly kind of love that we can find through Jesus. We began to ask friends, family, and fellow teammates for their support by donating used clothing items, fresh toiletries, sports equipment, games, etc. It is absolutely crazy the response we received. Within two weeks, we have a shed full of clothing to give to these kids!

It is absolutely mind-blowing to look back at the bold prayers I prayed before beginning this internship and to see God’s response. I prayed for Him to open my eyes to see His goodness, and my eyes were opened to see needs all around me that have yet to be met. Not only this, but He placed specific people all around me to support, push, and challenge me in every aspect of my spiritual journey. I could not be more grateful for Project 658 and the friendships, lessons, and perspective shift it brought me. My advice to anyone doubting if God is calling you into something… take the risk and say yes. Who knows? One yes could change your life. 


What was it like when you first believed?
