Throw the Flowers.


What would you do for the Kingdom?
Greg Bacus Greg Bacus

What would you do for the Kingdom?

I come back to this question frequently. I believe there are multiple layers to unpack within this loaded question, but first I think it is important to recognize fear for what it is. The definition of fear is a feeling of distress, caused by the presence of real or imagined danger…

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Greg Bacus Greg Bacus


“I wish that I could find just the right words to talk about today, but all I can say is wow. My heart feels so full yet aches for these children and their families. The conditions they live in, the lack of role models/ positive influences in their lives, the dump of living conditions… yet they have joy. Yet they welcome strangers into their homes with open arms and a cold drink. I don’t understand…

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Greg Bacus Greg Bacus


When the sun rises in the morning, it means another opportunity to be grateful, another opportunity to love one another, another opportunity to CHOOSE JOY. The Lord has been speaking to me over the last few weeks about this concept that joy is a choice and true JOY is found only in Him…

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